A tale of two theories.

There are two widely successful theories trying to explain the universe right now: Quantum Mechanics (QM) describes the subtle interactions of quantum objects, and Relativity describes the elastic geometry of space and time. Unfortunately, they don't seem to fit together.

QM claims that reality is probabilistic in nature, but Einstein and other realists couldn't stand QM rejected classical concepts like determinism or locality.

Unluckily for them, tests and experiments showed QM works like clockwork. So, over the years, fixed properties were replaced by fuzzy, random probabilities. But oddly enough, this randomness follows rules: once a value is set somewhere, instant correlations can arise elsewhere, even at distances where information has had no time to arrive yet... And that's just the tip of the iceberg.

Einstein passed away trying to reconcile both theories, with no avail. He'd have gone mad if he had realized he had the answer before his eyes.


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